- 171. Stellar Guide. The Southern Cross
- 172. Zodiac constellations. Stars
- 173. Preparation and performance of astronomical observations
- 174. Light pollution. Determining the degree of pollution of the moon - Part I
- 175. Light pollution. Determining the degree of pollution of the moon - Part II
- 176. The modern astronomical observatory I
- 177. Modern astronomical observatory II. Simplified scheme of the universe
- 178. Solar flares
- 179. Astronomical observations of comets, meteors, moon, planets and meteorites
- 180. Astrography
- Catering BG 16.05.2022
- catering RO-BG 17.05.2022
- catering RO-BG 18.05.2022
- catering RO-BG 19.05.2022
- catering RO-BG 20.05.2022
- catering RO-BG 22.05.2022
- Colilia Cheile Dobrogei 28-29 iulie 2021
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